Welcome to the Arkansas PBIS Tier II Training Modules

The development of these modules was funded through the Arkansas State Personnel Development Grant. The modules were developed in collaboration with PBIS trainers and consultants from the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) at Arkansas State University and content specialists from the Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education.

  • Exploration and readiness: administrators and other school personnel can find out more about Tier II of PBIS and how to prepare for implementation
  • Initial training (each tier): after exploring, determining readiness, and securing a group commitment, school teams can begin Tier II implementation
  • Training of trainers and coaches: districts and schools can ensure sustainability by increasing local fluency in PBIS Tier II implementation
  • Booster training: after implementing Tier II, districts and schools can use the modules as go-to resources for strengthening implementation of Tier II

Tier II Modules & Facilitator’s Guides

Module 1 Overview and Readiness
This training module is a brief overview of PBIS Tier II. It is designed to give administrators, schools, districts, or other personnel an introduction to Tier II and help them begin preparing for Tier II implementation.

Download PowerPoint Module (PPTX) | Download Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)

Module 2 The Tier II Leadership Team
This training module was designed to help districts and schools build strong Tier II teams and create structures to ensure efficient, effective team meetings.

Download PowerPoint Module (PPTX) | Download Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)

Module 3 Function-Based Thinking and Tier II Interventions
This training module is designed to give administrators, schools, districts, and other personnel information about function of behavior and using function-based thinking to determine appropriate Tier II intervention.

Download PowerPoint Module (PPTX) | Download Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)

Module 4 Identifying Students for Tier II Intervention
This training module is designed to give administrators, schools, districts, and other personnel information about developing a system for identifying students for Tier II interventions.

Download PowerPoint Module (PPTX) | Download Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)

Module 5 Check-in, Check-out (CICO) Tier II Intervention
This training module is a brief overview of the Tier II intervention Check-in, Check-out (CICO). It is designed to give administrators, schools, districts, or other personnel an introduction to CICO and help them begin preparing for implementation.

Download PowerPoint Module (PPTX) | Download Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)

Module 6 Social Skills Groups
This training module is a brief overview of the Tier II intervention Social Skills Groups. It is designed to give administrators, schools, districts, or other personnel an introduction to Social Skills Groups and help them begin preparing for implementation.

Download PowerPoint Module (PPTX) | Download Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)

Module 7 Additional Tier II Interventions
This training module is a brief overview of the Tier II interventions Self-monitoring and Mentoring. It is designed to give administrators, schools, districts, or other personnel an introduction to these interventions and help them begin preparing for implementation.

Download PowerPoint Module (PPTX) | Download Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)

Module 8 Collecting and Using Data for Tier II Decision Making
This training module is a brief overview of how to collect and use Tier II data for decision making. It is designed to give administrators, schools, districts, or other personnel an introduction to data-based decision making (DBDM) as they begin the Tier II implementation process.

Download PowerPoint Module (PPTX) | Download Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)

Module 9 Assessment and Evaluation for Tier II
This training module is a brief overview of how to evaluate Tier II implementation. It is designed to give administrators, schools, districts, or other personnel an introduction to assessment and evaluation as they begin the Tier II implementation process.

Download PowerPoint Module (PPTX) | Download Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)

Module 10 Professional Learning for Tier II
This training module is designed to provide administrators, schools, districts, or other personnel with information on what Professional Learning (PL) is recommended for those involved in PBIS Tier II.

Download PowerPoint Module (PPTX) | Download Facilitator’s Guide (PDF)